Our Services

Partnership in clinical research, product validation studies

Our "MRAgent" self-developed data management framework (eCRF) provides data management and operation in accordance with national and international standards, primarily for Phase III and Phase IV clinical trials and marketing research.

As part of data management, we also provide biostatistical data processing and evaluation for our pharmaceutical and product development partners.

Our expert activities also include the areas of study design, related official permit management, and the implementation of literature publications.

Targeted software development                                                                                                                                        

Impeccable software is now a success factor for progress. When operating a healthcare database management and target software environment, we tailor the software to the client's needs, even within the framework of the agile development process planned with the client.
Customer satisfaction is achieved by fast delivery and safe operation of the software used. 

The target software environment can be Node.js, Angular, LMDBootstrap, Mongoose technology, Mongo DB, Maria Db.

Health innovation management

We provide product and idea owners entering the healthcare industry with the opportunity to progress efficiently and enter the market, including through product validation and registration, regulatory oversight, and market knowledge sharing.

We ensure the implementation of a product in the process of entering the market, even by taking over the entire product management.

In addition to our expert base, we can provide production preparation or even production by involving individual members of the healthcare industry cluster.

Basic health research

Basic research activity on a later medical product, know-how.

As a sponsor, we support the CHOICE (Recording of respiratory function data of obstructive patients of different severity stages for computer modeling of pulmonary sedimentation of their inhaled drug) initiated by Törökbálint Lung Medical Institute.

The aim of the study was to measure the lung capacity of patients with asthma and COPD of different severity during the use of their inhaled drug, and from these results to computer model the drug deposition of the drug reaching the lungs. As a result, further support for the personalization of inhaled medicines